Tag Archives: Hair Loss

Welcome to our new blog!

Thank you for visiting, we are excited to launch a new blog about hair loss, hair replacement and hair restoration in Western New York (WNY). 

Santangelo’s is WNY’s premier hair replacement and hair restoration studio.  We have been in business for over 40 years and we have helped hundreds of local clients restore their appearance by providing cutting edge hair replacement and restoration services.

If you or someone you care about is suffering from hair loss, follow our blog, we can help make everyday a good hair day!

The posts found here at santangelohair will be written from the perspective of a Hair Restoration and Replacement Consultant.  At Santangelo’s, the Consultant meets with all potential clients to explain their options and help them choose the hair loss solution that will best fit their needs. 

For more information about Santangelo’s, visit our website at www.santangelohair.com.